Bullet Candy (Sniper)
Genre: Arcade
Developer: Independent
Publisher: Independent

Like many aspects of Bullet Candy, heavy inspiration seems to have been drawn from Geometry Wars, and nowhere is this more true than with the graphics. Tons of filtered particle effects and colorful, high contrast visuals abound, although unlike the aforementioned Geometry Wars, the sprites here look a little flat by comparison, almost like they suffer from subtle JPEG compression artifacts.

The fast-paced, pounding techno that plays during each Bullet Candy session fits the game's style and theme perfectly, and alters dynamically depending on the player's situation in the game. The catchy melodies you would expect are not present, and instead are replaced with repetetive undercurrents, like the kind you hear in some classic arcade games like Pacman.

Bullet Candy involves progressing through a series of progressively more difficult "Waves", and the configuration of these pseudo-random stages is well done. Enemy designs are solid, and often require specific tactics to defeat without dying. Like other arcade shooters, such as Geometry Wars, the key to a good score is maintaining a multiplier, and this mechanic works as well in this title as any other.

Despite its superficial resemblance to Geometry Wars, Bullet Candy plays most like the classic title "Robotron: 2084"; each playthrough brings an increased sense of familiarity with the configuration of the "Waves" which, when combined with improved skills and tactics, can get one closer and closer to a perfect playthrough.

Sniper's verdict: